Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Still waiting

I watched yet another act in Toledo's version of Waiting for Godot last night - starring councilman George Sarantou and Toledo Police Patrolmen's Association President Dan Wagner. Channels 13 and 24 had reports about the city dealing with the $8 million budget gap.
There's talk of layoffs and some of those layoffs may be in the Police and Fire Departments. That couldn't be, could it? We passed the 3/4% the city told us that they wouldn't have to lay off police officers and firefighters, right? But I digress.
So, what is the city going to do about it? Sarantou cited programs that he's hoping the Obama administration hopes to put through. Sarantou said he hopes that money will come to Toledo through those programs and then everything will be fine.
Wagner is planning on going to Washington to meet with Vice-President Biden to explain how bad things are for Toledo cops and try to get Biden's help in getting some money sent to Toledo.
And so, we continue to sit under our tree and wait for Obama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes hope. The theme of the chosen one's campaign to inauguration. Let's hope big brother will bail us out. Wait a minute, I thought George was an R. Didn't that mean fiscal responsibility and smaller government?

On another topic, have our commissioners gone completely off the deep end? Raising the living wage for those business who work with the county by $3. Who would pick up that additional cost passed on by these businesses? They'd just eat it right? No you idiots! They're going to charge the county more. Where does the county get their money from? Taxpayers. So who will pay the price of this brilliant plan? TAXPAYERS.

Why do we keep electing you people?