Thursday, January 22, 2009

Waiting for Obama

It seems to me that the city is acting out its own version of the play, Waiting for Godot, except our play would be titled Waiting for Obama.
Apparently the officials are waiting for the President to save us. In the mayor's recent state of the city speech, as well as in the last few council meetings that I've attended, I've heard at least one and usually multiple references to, "When the Obama administration takes over," there will be prosperity, there will be money, the roads will be fixed... You name it, the city officials have attributed it to him in one way or another - just you wait and see.
And so, it seems that we wait.
Now Obama has taken over. The stimulus package is in the pipeline and all reviews are saying that it will be at least one to two years before nearly $800 billion of the $825 billion will ever see the light of day. This is not partisan talking. There are even a growing number of Democrats who are saying that the stimulus plan will be too little and, more importantly, too late.
And so, much like Vladimir and Estragon in Godot, Toledo sits under the tree and waits for our version of Godot. The problem is that the play ends without an appearance from Godot.

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