I happened to hear part of 13abc's interview of Mayor Carty on Friday during their extended weather coverage. They broke into their coverage, which had broken into programming (a double break in, pretty cool) to talk about the bailout announcement from the President.
The wisdom of the bailout not withstanding (you can, and maybe have, read my thoughts on the bailout on my other blog) I found the the mayor's comments to be interesting to say the least. To say the most, they were absolutely hysterical. These were my two favorites...
First was his comment about the CEOs' first trip to Washington in their private jets. I actually laughed out loud when he mentioned their lack of common sense in spending. Honestly, though, of all the people who should know about a lack of common sense in spending, it should be the man who is cutting public safety spending in favor of such gems as lights on trees outside Government Center, flowers in front of a vacant mall on Reynolds Road, and a shower in his office.
Then there was the tap dancing that he did when Jeff Smith asked him about union concessions. He certainly couldn't very well say that the UAW should give concessions since they do represent a large voting block in Toledo. On the other hand, he couldn't very well say that the union shouldn't give concessions, since that's exactly what he's asking for out of the city's union workers. Quite amusing, quite amusing.
I really can't understand why Take Back Toledo is trying to recall a man who has worked so hard to give us all a few laughs.
Coming back to the blog
14 years ago